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Xcel - What the Future Holds

Leslie Glustrom, Research Director and Founding Member of Clean Energy Action;

Xcel Energy Representatives Were Invited, But Declined

Presentation Synopsis

Leslie Glustrom has been a citizen intervenor at the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) since 2005; the PUC regulates generation mix and consumer pricing for Colorado utilities including Xcel Energy, the largest utility in the state. Leslie has provided extensive research and data on coal supply issues, coal pricing and renewable energy opportunities and how these issues affect Xcel and their electricity portfolio.

At this Clean Energy Action presentation, Leslie provided context for what the future holds for Xcel – both in Boulder with the recent passage of 2B and 2C – and state-wide.

Some of the following questions were addressed:

  • What is the status and future of Xcel’s renewable energy program in Colorado?

  • What is the status and future of Xcel’s efficiency program (including Demand Response)?

  • What have previous rate increases been for? What about the present rate increase request? What rate increases can be expected in the coming years and why?

  • What are Xcel’s plans with respect to its remaining coal plants?

  • What are the plans for Windsource going forward?

  • What is happening with the Smart Grid project?

  • What is happening with Solar Gardens?

Background Info

Leslie Glustrom, Research Director and co-founder of Clean Energy Action, is trained as a biochemist and has spent over 30 years in a variety of roles, including science writer, policy analyst, college instructor and research lab manager. In 2005, upon deciding to commit herself to full-time work on climate change, Leslie began intervening at the Colorado Public Utilities Commission and focused primarily on Xcel’s generation and rates. In February 2009, Leslie authored an extensively referenced report on US coal supplies entitled, “Coal—Cheap and Abundant—Or Is It? Why Americans Should Stop Assuming that the US Has a 200-Year Supply of Coal.” Leslie now meets with regulatory staff and citizen activists in many states to raise awareness about US coal supply and cost issues while continuing her work as a citizen intervenor at the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.

Xcel Energy is Colorado’s largest electric utility, providing 55% of Colorado’s electricity to more than 1.3 million customers. Xcel’s energy portfolio is a mix of traditional fossil fuels including coal and natural gas, and renewable energy sources including wind, solar, and biomass sources. Xcel Energy is expanding their energy portfolio to include more renewables, and states they are on track to meet Colorado’s Renewable Energy Standard by the target date of 2020. Additionally, per the passage of the Clean Air Clean Jobs Act, Xcel Energy is set to retire or refuel 900 megawatts of coal burning capacity by 2018.

Presentation Power Point

Xcel An Update 2012-01-26

Learn More

Xcel Energy

For a copy of Leslie’s documents from the presentation please send an email here

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